Pete Frierson – Mississippi 4-H Museum

Campus of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Museum

1150 Lakeland Drive

Jackson MS 39216

The book A Guide to Mississippi Museums includes information on what you will find in the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Museum. Be sure to visit the Pete Frierson—Mississippi 4H Museum, an initiative of the Mississippi Extension Services. It is the first free-standing 4-H museum in the country. The museum inside the Ag museum opened in 2007. At some point, it underwent renovations and reopened, I believe, in 201l.

The museum is situated inside a 2000-square-foot wood-framed house. Inside, you will find interactive exhibits, quilts, a picture display representing the 4-H Hall of Famers, clothing, trophies, a kiosk, a display on the varieties of woods found in Mississippi, a 7-foot-tall talking tree, and a video documenting the history of 4-H in Mississippi. The organizers realized the importance of preserving the history and culture of 4-H clubs. The organization has been around for over one hundred years. Children will enjoy milking the life-size cow named Cloverbelle. The museum is still gathering information to include in its collection and archives. The Mitchell Memorial Library is a repository for the 4-H records and artifacts, and the curators determine which articles and materials should be displayed.

If there is one thing I know for sure, whenever you meet an individual who has participated in 4-H clubs, they exude a sense of pride and admiration for what they learned.